Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Memoirs: Mexico City

Memoirs: Mexico city! 

(Reforma: “I feel”)
A walk on the streets of a colony, adorned by the wills of astute statesmen,
A passage in time well preserved, decorated by able craftsman;

(Zocalo: “I zeal”)
A melancholy successfully rejoiced - rectified of its gore remembrances,
A charade arrested in its bloom, amended for it’s reminisce reverence.

(Bellas artes: “I hold”)
A resolute charge of artists compelled by a nations’ daunting perplexity
An oath to find it’s identity over frescos that stitch patterns of society.

(Condessa: “I swirl”)
A hubbub of bold youth that drink to its beauty and glory,
A semblance of folklore and contemporary, united in effervescent story.

(Polanco: “I desire”)
The high streets of luxurious curios - picturesque in plush lawns and bistros,
Humbling edifice of auditoria secured in timeless collections of museos.

(Guadalupe: “I bow”)
Sacred strings of common thoughts for unstinting religious beliefs,
Bowing down to the cathedrals where holy lady blesses to relieves.

(People: “I love”)
Warm, sensitive, loving, beautiful – their eyes speak it all,
Who would rob you of your fears and pledge everything for your smile.

(City: “I honor”)
Mexico city and your wonders, you would charm me forever!


Anonymous said...

Rajesh... this is the best gift ever!!!! thank you for this lovely poem =)
you know what??? i've been thinking and that's the second best gift ever... the real #1 best gift ever is to have the opportunity to know such a great person as you.. =)
- Jessica Malfavón

alok15281 said...

Very Nice :)

deepjava said...

Rajesh SAX!!!
SAX no more means Simple API for XML ;-)

Rajesh Saxena said...

@Jessica: It was a pleasure to meet and work with you in the great city!
@Alok: thanks sir!
@Deepak: nicely put! brings me back the old memories.